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Light Tower

Country Island, Nova Scotia, Canada

Formally Recognized: 2003/05/01

Light Tower, looking north.; (Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2002).
Side view
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Other Name(s)

Light Tower
Lighthouse Tower
Tour du phare

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Construction Date(s)

1963/01/01 to 1964/01/01

Listed on the Canadian Register: 2005/04/29

Statement of Significance

Description of Historic Place

The Light Tower incorporates both modern and classical features, and consists of an octagonal, reinforced concrete tower that tapers slightly as it rises and then flares outward to meet the lantern platform. Constructed between 1963-64, the Lighthouse Tower is located on a relatively flat site at the southern tip of Country Island, off the northeastern shore of Nova Scotia. The designation is confined to the footprint of the building.

Heritage Value

The Light Tower is a Recognized Federal Heritage Building because of its historical associations, and its architectural and environmental values.

Historical value:
The Light Tower is associated with the national historical theme of aids to navigation. This major coastal light services many local, coastal fishing communities, and protects the major shipping lanes. The Light Tower illustrates the period of comprehensive expansion and rebuilding of the Country Island Light Station during the 1960s, which increased its importance and influence in the community, and allowed it to better serve the local, coastal fishing community and coastal shipping.

Architectural value:
The Light Tower is a good example of a standard lighthouse plan developed by the Department of Transport in 1954. Consistent with the basic form and massing of a typical lighthouse, the Light Tower is characterized by clean lines, very subtle ornamentation, and a functional design. The Light Tower is constructed of sturdy, good quality materials and craftsmanship.

Environmental value:
The Light Tower reinforces the maritime coastal setting of the Country Island Light Station and its associated seascape. The Light Tower is a strong presence in this picturesque, maritime landscape, the scale, colour and height of its white, tapered tower contrasting with the relatively flat landscape of the island, and making it the dominant visual element on the island. The Light Tower is well known to local fishermen and to the greater shipping community.

Laurie Smith, Lighthouse Tower, Country Island Light Station, Country Island, Nova Scotia. Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office Building Report 02-086; Lighthouse Tower, Country Island Light Station, Country Island, Nova Scotia, Heritage Character Statement 02-086.

Character-Defining Elements

The character-defining elements of the Light Tower should be respected.

Its role as an illustration of aids to navigation is reflected in:
-the building’s design and its location within the picturesque, maritime landscape of the Country Island Light Station and its associated seascape.

Its standard, functional design, and good quality materials and craftsmanship as manifested in:
-the building’s form and massing which consists of a slightly tapered, octagonal tower, a lantern, and light;
-the building’s clean lines and subtle ornamentation such as the flared cornice;
-the building’s sturdy construction which consists of a proficient use of reinforced concrete.

The manner in which the building reinforces the picturesque, maritime coastal setting of the Country Island Light Station and its associated seascape as evidenced in:
-its colour and picturesque silhouette;
-its value as a symbol of an earlier period in the fishing industry.




Recognition Authority

Government of Canada

Recognition Statute

Treasury Board Heritage Buildings Policy

Recognition Type

Recognized Federal Heritage Building

Recognition Date


Historical Information

Significant Date(s)


Theme - Category and Type

Function - Category and Type



Navigational Aid or Lighthouse

Architect / Designer

Department of Transport, Marine Services Branch, Aids to Navigation Division



Additional Information

Location of Supporting Documentation

National Historic Sites Directorate, Documentation Centre, 5th Floor, Room 89, 25 Eddy Street, Gatineau, Quebec

Cross-Reference to Collection

Fed/Prov/Terr Identifier




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