Daly Reid Building
13, Gore Street West, Perth, Ontario, K7H, Canada
Reconnu formellement en:
Autre nom(s)
Daly Reid Building
Public Utility Commission Building
Liens et documents
Date(s) de construction
Inscrit au répertoire canadien:
Énoncé d'importance
Description du lieu patrimonial
Located at 13 Gore Street West, the Daly Reid Building, also known as the Public Utilities Commission Building, was constructed in 1880. This two-storey residential dwelling was converted into office space in the 1950s when the Perth Public Commission Utilities Commission took over the building. The Daly Reid Building remains an integral element of the heritage appearance of the old Perth streetscape.
The Daly Reid Building has been recognized for its heritage value by the Town of Perth on 28 August 2001, By-law number 3404.
Valeur patrimoniale
Situated directly on the lot line, butting the Gore Street sidewalk this property represents a valuable piece of heritage infrastructure in Perth. Its overall proportions and especially its height help to blend this building well within the block.
The Daly Reid Building was built in 1880 and its symmetrically designed front exhibits a classically influenced front entrance flanked by double wide window openings on either side. The second floor windows are single width but centered over the lower floor openings. Aside from the details of the front entrance the only other display of adornment is at the eaves. Originally built as a frame structure on a rubble stone foundation it was clad in wire lath and stucco in the 1950's. Although this finish has altered the original appearance the segmented arched windows and front entrance details remain as testament to its earlier days.
This house has strong ties to the Hogg family who owned much of this block in the nineteenth-century. David Hogg was a prominent cabinet maker, his son, David, was an undertaker, and his daughter Elizabeth, a dressmaker. It would seem that Elizabeth, who was married to Thomas Reid, and their daughter Nellie, a milliner, carried on their business from this house at 13 Gore Street West. Eventually her son David Reid took ownership of the house, and it has been known by his nickname, the Daly Reid Building, ever since.
Sources: Town of Perth By-law 3404; Heritage Perth
Éléments caractéristiques
Character defining elements that define the Daly Reid Building's heritage value include the:
- location within downtown Perth's heritage streetscape
- the proportions and two-storey height
- frame structure built on a rubble stone base
- rough cast stucco finish with wire lath dating from 1950s
- medium-pitched gable roof
- the centre hall plan yielding a balanced facade
- classically detailed columned portico emphasizing the central door
- semi-circular transom and tracery above the central door
- the segmented arched windows
- three evenly space six-over-six double-hung windows on the upper facade
- plain lug, stone window sills on lower facade
- heavy cove moulding providing the only detail at the soffit
Autorité de reconnaissance
Administrations locales (Ont.)
Loi habilitante
Loi sur le patrimoine de l'Ontario
Type de reconnaissance
Désignation du patrimoine municipal (partie IV)
Date de reconnaissance
Données sur l'histoire
Date(s) importantes
Thème - catégorie et type
Catégorie de fonction / Type de fonction
- Commerce / Services commerciaux
- Bureau ou édifice à bureaux
- Commerce / Services commerciaux
- Magasin ou commerce de vente au détail
Architecte / Concepteur
Informations supplémentaires
Emplacement de la documentation
Town Hall, Perth, Ontario
Réfère à une collection
Identificateur féd./prov./terr.
Inscriptions associées