Fleming House
2549 - 2553 Brunswick Street, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse, B3K, Canada
Reconnu formellement en:
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Liens et documents
Date(s) de construction
1860/01/01 à 1860/12/31
Inscrit au répertoire canadien:
Énoncé d'importance
Description du lieu patrimonial
Fleming House is a one-and-a-half Gothic Revival style house located in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It is named after the prominent Haligonian Sir Sanford Fleming who resided in the house from 1866 to 1873. The heritage designation applies to both the building and surrounding land.
Valeur patrimoniale
Fleming House is valued for its association with its original owner and resident, Sir Sanford Fleming. Fleming was a major figure in the construction of the Intercolonial Railway (ICR), linking Halifax and Quebec and the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR). The establishment of these railways was instrumental in the formation of Canada. Fleming is also known as being largely responsible for the establishment of standard time zones around the world. Fleming was also a member of the Halifax club. He maintained a high profile in the social and political scene in Canada. From 1880 until his dealth in 1915, Fleming served as Chancellor of Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.
Architecturally, Fleming House is valued as an example of Gothic Revival style. It is a one-and-one-half storey wood frame structure with board and batten finish. The façade on Brunswick Street has a central entrance and two major gables on either side. A small dormer window, more characteristic of the Scottish and Halifax houses of the 1820s to 1840s, is located directly over the entrance. The eastern side of the house facing the harbour also has two symmetrically placed gables. Two massive chimneys are interesting architectural features of the house. One is located in the center of the south part of the house while the other is located in the center of the north part of the house. Each contains four round brick flues, massed in a cloverleaf like group. The Fleming House fits, both in scale and in image, with the surrounding buildings of the area and adds value to the streetscape.
Source: Heritage Property File 2549 - 2553 Brunswick Street, Fleming House, found at HRM Planning and Development Services, Heritage Property Program, 6960 Mumford Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Éléments caractéristiques
The character-defining elements of Fleming House relate to its Gothic Revival style and include:
- board and batten siding;
- lack of intricate wood trim;
- one-and-one half storey wood frame dwelling;
- central entrance and two major gables on either side on Brunswick Street façade;
- small dormer window over main entrance;
- two symmetrical gables on the eastern façade facing the harbour;
- two massive chimneys, one in the center of each end of the building, with brick flues, massed in a cloverleaf shape.
Autorité de reconnaissance
Administrations locales (N.-É.)
Loi habilitante
Heritage Property Act
Type de reconnaissance
Bien inscrit au répertoire municipal
Date de reconnaissance
Données sur l'histoire
Date(s) importantes
Thème - catégorie et type
- Un territoire à peupler
- Les établissements
Catégorie de fonction / Type de fonction
- Religion, rituel et funéraille
- Centre religieux ou lieu de culte
- Résidence
- Logement unifamilial
Architecte / Concepteur
Informations supplémentaires
Emplacement de la documentation
HRM Planning and Development Services, 6960 Mumford Road, Halifax, NS B3L 4P1
Réfère à une collection
Identificateur féd./prov./terr.
Inscriptions associées