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Lumsden Plaza

215 James Street North, Lumsden, Saskatchewan

Lumsden Plaza is a Municipal Heritage Property comprising two civic lots on the corner of 2nd Avenue and James Street within the corporate limits of the Town of Lumsden. The site…

John Nugent Studio

Lumsden, Saskatchewan

The John Nugent Studio is a Provincial Heritage Property located on a 2.7-hectare parcel of land that forms the north slope of the Qu’Appelle Valley in the Town of Lumsden. …

165 Elgin Crescent

165 Elgin Crescent, Lumsden, Saskatchewan

The house and parcel known as 165 Elgin Crescent is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Town of Lumsden. The property includes a two-storey, wood-frame, Queen Anne…

Lumsden & District Heritage Museum Property

30 Qu'Appelle Drive West, Lumsden, Saskatchewan

The Lumsden & District Heritage Museum is a Municipal Heritage Property located at 50 Qu’Appelle Drive West in the Town of Lumsden. The property features a collection of log and…



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