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Claybank Brick Plant

Elmsthorpe RM 100, Saskatchewan

The Claybank Brick Plant is a Provincial Heritage Property consisting of approximately 132 hectares in the Rural Municipality of Elmsthorpe No. 100. It is located on the…

Claybank Brick Plant National Historic Site of Canada

Highway 339 / Claybank Brick Plant Road, Claybank, Saskatchewan

Claybank Brick Plant National Historic Site of Canada is a former industrial complex used for the manufacture of clay bricks from 1914 to 1989. It is located in a predominantly…

St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church

First Avenue, Elmsthorpe RM 100, Saskatchewan

St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church is a Municipal Heritage Property encompassing three lots in the Hamlet of Claybank. The .17 hectare property includes a one-storey brick-veneer…

Claybank Brick Silo

Baildon RM 131, Saskatchewan

The Claybank Brick Silo is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Rural Municipality of Baildon No. 131, 12 kilometres southwest of the Village of Briercrest in the Blue…



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