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John Quinton Limited - Fish Store and Salt Store

Redcliffe, Newfoundland and Labrador

The John Quinton Fish Store and Salt Store are a grouping of two simple, vernacular wooden buildings located in Red Cliffe, NL. The designation is confined to the footprint of the…

John Quinton Limited Post Office Registered Heritage Structure

Red Cliffe, Newfoundland and Labrador

The John Quinton Post Office is a one storey vernacular wooden building with a steeply pitched gable roof. Located in Red Cliffe, NL, the designation is confined to the footprint…

John Quinton Limited Residence Registered Heritage Structure

Red Cliffe, Newfoundland and Labrador

John Quinton Limited is a collection of five buildings, including a residence, shop, fish store, salt store and post office. Located in Red Cliffe, NL, the construction of this…

John Quinton Limited Shop Registered Heritage Structure

Red Cliffe, Newfoundland and Labrador

The John Quinton Limited Shop is a combination of a wooden, two- storey Biscuit Box house and a wooden, two storey steep gable house. Located in Red Cliffe, NL, the designation is…



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