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Statue of Father Camille Lefebvre

488 Centrale Street, Memramcook, New Brunswick

The statue of Father Camille Lefebvre, a bronze sculpture on a granite pedestal, is located in front of the former Collège Saint-Joseph on Centrale Street in Memramcook.

Saint-Thomas de Memramcook Church

576 Centrale Street, Memramcook, New Brunswick

Saint-Thomas de Memramcoock Church is a stone Roman Catholic church in the Neoclassical and Gothic Revival styles, located on Centrale Street, in Memramcook.

Sylvain Gaudet House

172 La Vallée Highway, Memramcook, New Brunswick

Sylvain Gaudet House, built around 1875, is a one-and-a-half storey, eclectic-style building located on La Vallée Highway, in Memramcook.

Butte à Pétard

540 Centrale Street, Memramcook, New Brunswick

Butte à Pétard is the old name of a hill located in the area of the former village of Saint-Joseph, on Centrale Street in Memramcook.

Croix de la Montain

488 Centrale Street, Memramcook, New Brunswick

Croix de la Montain is a cruciform metal monument on a cement base with a red neon illumination system located at the junction of Centrale Street and La Montain Road in Memramcook.

Memramcook Marsh

Highway 106, Memramcook, New Brunswick

Memramcook Marsh, a parcel of meadowland, is located in the western part of the large marsh in the former Village-des-LePlate. It extends from either side of La Vallée Highway,…

Monument-Lefebvre National Historic Site of Canada

Centrale Street, Memramcook, New Brunswick

Monument-Lefebvre National Historic Site of Canada is an imposing stone structure situated on an elevated site on the campus of Saint-Joseph’s College in Memramcook, New…

Monument Lefebvre

488 Central Street, Memramcook, New Brunswick

The Monument Lefebvre is a large cube-like building with a balanced composition. Constructed of rough-faced stone in an eclectic, late 19th-century manner, it has a monumental…



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