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Bank of Montréal National Historic Site of Canada

1850 Notre Dame Street Ouest, Montréal, Quebec

The Bank of Montréal is a late-19th-century bank building, built in the Queen Anne Revival style. It is located at the corner of Notre-Dame and Seigneurs streets in the city of…

Machine Shop

Montréal, Quebec

The Machine Shop, also known as Building 2, is located within the Lachine Canal National Historic Site of Canada. It is a classically inspired, one-storey, reinforced concrete…

Église de Saint-Joseph

550, rue Richmond, Montréal, Quebec

L'église de Saint-Joseph, citée monument historique, est un lieu de culte de tradition catholique, construit en 1861 et 1862, qui a été modifié jusqu'à la fin du XIXe siècle.…

Maison Saint-Gabriel

2146, place Dublin, Montréal, Quebec

La maison Saint-Gabriel, classée en 1965, est un domaine rural conventuel dont la construction s'étale de la fin du XVIIe siècle à la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. La désignation…

Cinéma Corona

2490, Rue Notre-Dame Ouest, Montréal, Quebec

Le cinéma Corona, reconnu monument historique, est un lieu de divertissement populaire érigé en 1912. Il s'agit d'un bâtiment en brique de plan rectangulaire plus profond que…

Clock Tower

Montréal, Quebec

Prominently sited on the Victoria Pier, the Clock Tower is a highly visible feature in the Old Port of Montréal. The lightly painted concrete structure consists of a principal…

Warehouse and Office

Montréal, Quebec

The Warehouse and Office, also known as Building 1 and the Store-Office-Warehouse, is a two-storey concrete building topped by a slightly pitched gable roof. Concrete pilasters…

Maison Saint-Gabriel National Historic Site of Canada

2146 Dublin Place, Montréal, Quebec

Located in the southern part of Pointe-Saint-Charles in Montréal, at the end of Dublin Place, Maison Saint-Gabriel National Historic Site of Canada is situated at the centre of a…


201, Rue Berlioz, Montréal, Quebec

La station-service, citée monument historique, est un bâtiment commercial érigé en 1967 et 1968. Il se compose de trois édicules (l'atelier mécanique, le poste de paiement et…



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