Description of Historic Place
The Shipwrights' Shed / Spar Shed, Building D113, an elongated one-storey, gable roofed brick structure, is located on a sloping site and is one of a group of Dockyard buildings situated on the road to ‘A’ Jetty at the Esquimalt Dockyard. It is detailed with stone dressings, corbels, friezes, vaults and archways. The designation is confined to the footprint of the building.
Heritage Value
The Shipwrights' Shed / Spar Shed, Building D113 is a Recognized Federal Heritage Building because of its historical associations, and its architectural and environmental value.
Historical Value
The Shipwrights' Shed / Spar Shed, Building D113 was part of the Royal Navy Dockyard shipwright’s department and is directly associated with the operational maintenance of the Pacific Squadron and with the principal function of the Dockyard. It is historically significant as it was the location of the ceremony for the formal transfer of the Dockyard and other Royal Navy properties from Great Britain to Canada in 1910. It was constructed as part of the Royal Navy’s 1895-1904 rebuilding program.
Architectural Value
The Shipwrights' Shed / Spar Shed, Building D113 is a good example of the small shop-and-storage facilities found throughout the Royal Navy section of the Dockyard. It exhibits good functional design and quality craftsmanship. It is distinguished by the corbelled friezes and circular openings within the gables which are characteristic of many Royal Navy Dockyard Buildings.
The Environmental Value
The Shipwrights' Shed / Spar Shed, Building D113 reinforces the character of the streetscape of Hospital Road and the road to ‘A’ Jetty. It complements the gable-roofed facades of Building D51 and D75-76 which face the road. It maintains an unchanged relationship with its sloping site and is a familiar landmark within the Dockyard.
Sources: Ian Doull, Dockyard, CFB Esquilmalt, Esquimalt, British Columbia, Federal Heritage Building Report, 89-202; Building D75-76, D80, D113, Esquimalt Dockyard, Esquilmalt, British Columbia, Heritage Character Statement, 89-202.
Character-Defining Elements
The following character-defining elements of Shipwrights' Shed / Spar Shed, Building D113 should be respected.
Its functional design and quality craftsmanship and materials, for example:
-its elongated one-storey, gable-roofed structure and rear two-storey façade;
-its exposed full masonry basement level;
-its window and door openings defined by rock-faced ashlar with dressed margins;
-its construction in brick and rich detailing of stone dressings, corbels, friezes, vaults archways and historic openings
The manner in which the Shipwrights' Shed / Spar Shed, Building D113 reinforces the character of the streetscape on Hospital Road and within the Dockyard as evidenced by:
-its physical relationship to Buildings D75-76, D80, D77 and D109 which together
form a visually distinctive and cohesive streetscape.