Description of Historic Place
CFB Esquimalt, Dockyard, Rum Stores, Salt Meat Stores, Building D75-D76 is situated on the main road through the Dockyard at Esquimalt. It consists of two adjoining, rectangular, one-and-a-half-storey, gable-roofed units. Together they present a unified, flat-planed main elevation to the road. Only the arched windows and door openings relieve the brick structure’s long plain form. The designation is confined to the footprint of the building.
Heritage Value
CFB Esquimalt, Dockyard, Rum Stores, Salt Meat Stores, Building D75-D76 the former Rum Stores, and Salt Meat Stores, is a Recognized Federal Heritage Building because of its historical associations, and its architectural and environmental values.
Historical Value:
CFB Esquimalt, Dockyard, Rum Stores, Salt Meat Stores, Building D75-D76 is a very good example of a warehouse structure built under the Royal Navy’s 1895-1904 building program and is directly associated with the principal function of the Dockyard. Each of its units is associated with the important role of providing the fleet with long-lasting provisions that were vital before the age of refrigeration.
Architectural Value:
CFB Esquimalt, Dockyard, Rum Stores, Salt Meat Stores, Building D75-D76 is a good example of a storage building integral to the Signal Hill complex. It is also an example of Royal Navy brick architecture from the 1895-1904 Dockyard rebuilding program. It exhibits good functional design and a high level of craftsmanship and materials as evidenced in the high quality brickwork. It has simple detailing and decorative elements.
Environmental Value:
CFB Esquimalt, Dockyard, Rum Stores, Salt Meat Stores, Building D75-D76 forms a visually distinctive tightly-clustered group of buildings with D74. The rear elevation abuts the base of the hillside, which rises to the site of building D38. A moderately prominent building along Hospital Road D75-76 reinforces the present character of the dockyard and is a familiar building to those visiting the neighbourhood.
Ian Doull, Dockyard, CFB Esquimalt (82 Buildings), Esquimalt, British Columbia. Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office Report 89-202; CFB Esquimalt, Dockyard, Rum Stores, Salt Meat Stores, Building D75-D76 (former Factory), Esquimalt Dockyard, Esquimalt, British Columbia Heritage Character Statement 89-202.
Character-Defining Elements
The character-defining elements of CFB Esquimalt, Dockyard, Rum Stores, Salt Meat Stores, Building D75-D76 should be respected.
Its functional design and good quality materials and craftsmanship, for example:
-the two adjoining, rectangular, end gabled units, each a one-and-a-half-storey, gable-roofed structure;
-the red brick exterior with raised, gabled parapets;
-the configuration and treatment of window and door openings with segmental arches and surrounds;
-the hinged iron gates on the entrance and the fixed bars on side windows.
The manner in which CFB Esquimalt, Dockyard, Rum Stores, Salt Meat Stores, Building D75-D76 reinforces the present character of the dockyard at Esquimalt as evidenced by:
-its contribution to the tightly-clustered and cohesive group of buildings that share common features of site, history, material and detail;
- its familiarity as a landmark to those frequenting the Dockyard.