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Doors Open Saskatoon

Important Note: The sites from the Canadian Register of Historic Places listed in this article participating in the Doors Open Saskatoon event are listed because they have participated in past Doors Open events, not because it is guaranteed that they will have their doors open again this year.  For a list of this year's participating buildings, please consult Doors Open Saskatoon.

It's time for Doors Open Saskatoon! For the fifth consecutive year Saskatoon, Saskatchewan is holding its Doors Open Saskatoon on Sunday, June 5th from noon until 5:00 pm.  Join the people of Saskatoon by going out and enjoying this wonderful opportunity! For one day, Saskatoon's heritage buildings and museums will have be open to the public, and completely free of charge! Embrace this chance to visit fascinating buildings that are usually closed!

Doors Open Saskatoon is part of a wider initiative that has spread across Europe and now across Canada as well. some of the first Doors Open events were in France in 1984 and in Glasgow, Scotland in 1990 and was intended to offer citizens the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the heritage buildings around them. Doors Open came to Canada in 2000 with the first Doors Open in Toronto and since then has spread across Canada.

The Doors Open concept is simple: buildings throughout Canada that have architectural and historical significance, often not usually open to the public, open Marr Residence, City of Saskatoon / Résidence Marr, ville de Saskatoon their doors to visitors free of charge, sometimes featuring guided tours, exhibits, and displays. The goal of Doors Open events is to allow people to explore and enjoy their local built heritage. Heritage buildings are important in that they are artefacts of everyday life. These buildings and their stories reveal a great deal about our society, values and history. Doors Open Saskatoon event hopes to attract people of all ages and levels of interest to enjoy historical buildings of Saskatoon and become more aware of their built heritage. This event was first launched in 2005 by the city of Saskatoon's Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee (MHAC) in partnership with the Saskatoon Heritage Society and Meewasin Valley Authority.

Some of the many interesting buildings in Saskatoon which have participated in past Doors Open events are on the Canadian Register of Historic Places. These Superintendent's Residence, Government of Saskatchewan / Résidence du directeur, gouvernement du Saskatchewanbuildings range from private residences to a public theatre. Doors Open Saskatoon offers people the chance to visit one of the oldest buildings in Saskatoon, the Marr Residence, at 326 - 11th Street East. This small white house has served as a private residence since it was built in 1883 and even briefly served as a field hospital during the North-West Uprising in 1885.

Another residence in Saskatoon that has been open to the public is the Superintendent's Residence on the Saskatoon Zoo and Forestry Farm. This residence, built in 1913, served as a home to the Superintendent of the Saskatoon St John's Anglican Cathedral, City of Saskatoon / cathédrale anglicane St. John's, ville de SaskatoonForestry Farm and a model homestead for newcomers to the Prairies. Saskatoon has also featured numerous churches, including the Knox United Church, Rugby Chapel and St. John's Anglican Cathedral, all of which were opened to the community so that they may learn more about churches of the early twentieth century.

An interesting little building that has opened its doors in past years is the Broadway Theatre, which has stood on Broadway Theatre, City of Saskatoon / Théâtre Broadway, ville de Saskatoonthe Broadway Avenue in downtown Saskatoon since 1946 and still functions as a movie theatre to this day. Another building open during Doors Open Saskatoon is the Little Stone Schoolhouse, which unlike the Broadway Theatre no longer serves its original purpose and exist only because of the efforts of past generations of Saskatooners. Constructed in 1887 the schoolhouse was replaced by a larger educational facility required by a community with a Old Stone School, City of Saskatoon / La Petite école de pierre, ville de Saskatoongrowing population in 1910. In 1911 the schoolhouse was dismantled and then reassembled on the grounds of the University of Saskatchewan.

Historic Places on the Canadian Register are only a fraction of the buildings in Saskatoon that will be open during the Doors Open event, so go out and enjoy them all. Indulge your curiosity and visit as many buildings as possible on June 5th, 2011. Take advantage of Doors Open to explore all the fascinating heritage buildings in Saskatoon!

For more information:

Doors Open Saskatoon