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Knox-Metropolitan United Church

2340 Victoria Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P, Canada

Formally Recognized: 1986/04/14

View from Victoria Ave of Knox-Metropolitan United Church, 2006.; Clint Robertson, 2006.
Southeast Elevation
View from the east highlighting the main entranceway of Knox-Metropolitan United Church, 2006.; Clint Robertson, 2006.
Front Elevation
No Image

Other Name(s)

Knox-Metropolitan United Church
Metropolitan Methodist Church
Metropolitan United Church

Links and documents

Construction Date(s)

1912/01/01 to 1913/12/31

Listed on the Canadian Register: 2007/03/14

Statement of Significance

Description of Historic Place

Knox Metropolitan United Church is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the City of Regina occupying six city lots on the north-west corner of Victoria Avenue and Lorne Street in downtown. A blend of Norman and Gothic styles, the 1912-13 structure displays a red-brick exterior with stone finishes. A large addition was added to the rear of the building in 1957.

Heritage Value

The heritage value of Knox Metropolitan United Church is associated with its status as the home to two of Regina’s oldest congregations, the Metropolitan Methodist congregation and the Knox Presbyterian congregation. Rising form tent beginnings, these congregations were separately formed in 1882, the year of Regina’s founding, but merged in 1951 under the banner of the United Church. The first organized service in the city was conducted, four days after Regina was proclaimed the Territorial capital, by a Methodist minister, for what would become the Methodist Metropolitan Church. As both congregations had become part of the United Church of Canada in 1924, in an effort to consolidate the congregations separated by only one city block, the Knox congregation left its church in 1951 to join the Metropolitan congregation. Today the Knox Metropolitan United Church remains the largest United Church in the city, drawing worshippers from the citywide area.

The heritage value of Knox Metropolitan United Church also lies in its Gothic-and-Norman-style architecture. Originally constructed in 1906, the design was a product of the well-known Toronto and Winnipeg architectural firm, Darling and Pearson. Firm architect Francis Portnall was sent to the site as a supervising architect, and remained to become one of the city’s most prolific architects. In 1912, the 1200-seat structure was largely destroyed by a devastating tornado but was similarly rebuilt within a year to the specifications of James H. Puntin. Puntin incorporated elements of the original structure, such as portions of the exterior brick walls and the Norman arched entrance, while replicating others such as the bell tower. The church was rebuilt however, completed with an increased Gothic style influence, exemplified by the crenellated tower and pointed arch windows with tracery. In 1927, a peal of twelve bells, known as the Francis Darke Memorial Chimes, were installed in the tower. These chimes, weighing a total of fifteen tonnes, constitute the only hand-rung set of their type in the city.

The heritage value of the church also resides in its contribution to the prominent and historic streetscape that borders Victoria Park. Centred within the downtown core, Knox Metropolitan United Church is a major focal point within the city and is enhanced by relationship with Victoria Park, Regina’s central square.

City of Regina Bylaw No. 8277-HR-B86

Character-Defining Elements

The heritage value of Knox Metropolitan United Church resides in the following character-defining elements:
-those elements which commemorate the Knox Presbyterian and Metropolitan Methodist congregations, such as the addition of the original Knox Presbyterian Church cornerstone within the wall of the south addition;
-those elements that relate to its Gothic-and-Norman-style architecture, such as its common bond, pressed red-brick exterior with sandstone trim; cross-gable roof with parapets; crenellated bell tower with louvres and a peal of twelve bells; an integral front entrance marked by three, segmental, Norman-style, stone arches containing oak doors with circular glazing; pointed-arch, Gothic-style windows with label moulding and stops, inset with tracery and stained glass;
-those elements which pertain to its relationship to Victoria Park, such as its original location on Victoria Avenue facing Victoria Park to the east.




Recognition Authority

Local Governments (SK)

Recognition Statute

Heritage Property Act, s. 11(1)(a)

Recognition Type

Municipal Heritage Property

Recognition Date


Historical Information

Significant Date(s)

1906/01/01 to 1906/12/31

Theme - Category and Type

Building Social and Community Life
Religious Institutions

Function - Category and Type


Religion, Ritual and Funeral
Religious Facility or Place of Worship


Architect / Designer

Darling and Pearson


Regina Construction Company

Additional Information

Location of Supporting Documentation

Department of Culture, Youth and Recreation Heritage Resources Branch 1919 Saskatchewan Drive Regina, SK File: MHP 409

Cross-Reference to Collection

Fed/Prov/Terr Identifier

MHP 409



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