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94 Queen Street

94 Queen Street, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, C1A, Canada

Formally Recognized: 1979/10/26

Showing west elevation; City of Charlottetown, Natalie Munn, 2005
94 Queen Street
Showing detail of decorative brickwork; City of Charlottetown, Natalie Munn, 2005
94 Queen Street
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Listed on the Canadian Register: 2005/08/16

Statement of Significance

Description of Historic Place

94 Queen Street is a three storey, brick, Italianate Commercial influenced building located in Charlottetown’s historic business area. Local businessman, J.B. McDonald built it in 1892 after a fire destroyed his earlier building. The building currently houses Burke Electric. The designation encompasses the building’s exterior and parcel; it does not include the building’s interior.

Heritage Value

The heritage value of 94 Queen Street lies in its Italianate Commercial architecture, its association with businessman, J.B McDonald, and its importance to the Queen Street streetscape.

J. B. McDonald operated his dry goods store from the site of the current building from as early as 1875 until 1892, when a fire, which gutted the building next door, spread to McDonald’s building and destroyed it. McDonald soon rebuilt and by July 1893, he was back in business and advertising dry goods, boots and other merchandise to his customers.

The choice of the Italianate influenced commercial building style was a popular one at the time. It was considered more fireproof than the wooden structures it invariably replaced. The design was also more decorative; its round arched windows and recessed storefronts evocative of the Venetian arcades of the Renaissance period. Today, 94 Queen Street remains a well-preserved example of the style.

94 Queen Street is still commercial in nature, housing an electrical supplies store. The building is located within a line of brick and stone Italianate-commercial buildings on Queen Street, one of the most important and well-preserved historic streets in Charlottetown. An attractive and well preserved building flanked by heritage buildings, 94 Queen Street compliments the Queen Street streetscape.

Sources: Heritage Office, City of Charlottetown Planning Department, PO Box 98, Charlottetown, PE C1A 7K2

Character-Defining Elements

The following character-defining elements illustrate the heritage value of the 94 Queen Street:
- The overall massing of the building and symmetrical facade
- The size and shape of the brick construction, including the various decorative brick patterns throughout the upper part of the facade
- The placement and style of the windows, including the large storefront windows of the first floor, the arched second floor windows and third floor windows with lunettes
- The placement and style of the recessed door and the door of the southern facade
- The storefront with its recessed door, large plate glass windows and sign band
- The flat roof with it large brick parapet
Other character-defining elements include:
- The location of the building in a line of heritage buildings on Queen Street



Prince Edward Island

Recognition Authority

City of Charlottetown

Recognition Statute

City of Charlottetown Zoning and Development Bylaw

Recognition Type

Heritage Resource

Recognition Date


Historical Information

Significant Date(s)


Theme - Category and Type

Developing Economies
Trade and Commerce
Expressing Intellectual and Cultural Life
Architecture and Design

Function - Category and Type



Commerce / Commercial Services
Office or Office Building

Architect / Designer




Additional Information

Location of Supporting Documentation

Heritage Office, City of Charlottetown Planning Department, PO Box 98, Charlottetown, PE C1A 7K2 #1535

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