Other Name(s)
Reiner House
Schmehl House
19 Doering Street
Schmehl House
Links and documents
Construction Date(s)
Listed on the Canadian Register:
Statement of Significance
Description of Historic Place
The Reiner House is located at 19 Doering Street, on the north side of the street, east of David Street, in the Town of Wellesley. This two storey brick building which resembles the Georgian style, with Classical Revival and Victorian influences, was constructed in 1867.
The property was designated, for its historic and architectural significance by the Township of Wellesley, under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, By-law 32/84.
Heritage Value
The Reiner House was built by John George Reiner, a prominent Wellesley citizen who was also known as the Builder of Wellesley. He was inducted into the Waterloo County Hall of Fame for the significant contributions that he made to the County. Reiner owned the woollen mill, a flour mill, a general store, a sawmill and a stave and heating plant. At one time Mr. Reiner employed over one hundred people through his various businesses.
Additionally, John George Reiner was very involved in the Wellesley and North Easthope Agricultural Society, buying both the site and constructing the building that housed the society. It is noted that Mr. Reiner was at one time the Postmaster for Wellesley, and constructed a total of thirty-two buildings for various uses.
The Reiner House is an example of a home that has distinctive Georgian elements, while being influenced by both the Classical Revival and Victorian styles. The overall structure of the home is quintessentially Georgian, but the entrance, with its sidelight and transom, the fluted pilasters and the windows with their small pediments are all distinctly Classical. The protruding bay window is a concession to the dominant Victorian style of the time. In the brick section the detailing is superb, with brick string course, projecting architrave and keystones, and lozenge shaped inset panels.
Source: Township of Wellesley, By-law 32/84.
Character-Defining Elements
Character defining elements that contribute to the heritage value of the Reiner House include its:
- entrance with sidelights and transom
- fluted pilasters
- brick section of the home which features projecting architrave, keystones and lozenge shaped panel insets
- windows with small pediments
- protruding bay windows
- decorative brickwork
- ornate iron fence
Recognition Authority
Local Governments (ON)
Recognition Statute
Ontario Heritage Act
Recognition Type
Municipal Heritage Designation (Part IV)
Recognition Date
Historical Information
Significant Date(s)
1984/01/01 to 1984/01/01
Theme - Category and Type
- Peopling the Land
- Settlement
Function - Category and Type
- Residence
- Single Dwelling
Architect / Designer
John George Reiner
Additional Information
Location of Supporting Documentation
Township of Wellesley Office
4639 Lobsinger Line, R.R. #1
St. Clements, Ontario
N0B 2M0
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Fed/Prov/Terr Identifier
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